ALTA 2022

20-27 May, Perth and Online

Conference Report

It was my very great pleasure to welcome the delegates back to Perth for our 26th annual conference as well as those who couldn’t make it but joined us on-line. Despite the frequently changing travel restrictions, we had 300+ registered from 24 countries with 15 countries represented in-person.

Following our all-virtual event in 2020, we were excited to return to a face-to-face gathering at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth. We adopted a hybrid format with in-person attendance for both Australian and international delegates.  Virtual participation was available for internationals who were unable to travel. The short courses were presented

We were delighted to present another oustanding program of 90+ presentations from 19 countries, including many reflecting the ongoing upsurge in demand for critical metals for the battery and renewable energy industries such as nickel, cobalt, copper, Lithium and REEs. We were pleased to have the continued strong suppost of the the IAEA for our Uranium related conferences for the sixth year, and were also greatful to Curtin University and the CSIRO for partnering with us to present current technical developments in the  Gold-PM and ISR events.

A very apecial thanks to our world class Opening and Keynote Speakers, and to our many presenters for their time and effort. Thanks also to our Session Chairs and Student Volunteers who played an important role during the conference. A special thanks also to the members of our Panels which are a key feature of ALTA conferences.

We greatly value our Sponsors and Exhibitors, who made varied and
valuable industry resources available to the delegates. Many of them were long term ALTA regulars.

The in-person delegates clearly appreciated the opportunity for networking with old and new contacts between presentations and during the social events, and catching up with industry developments and trends.

Alan Taylor, Conference Chair

FIVE international conferences

Program Topics

  • Nickel-Cobalt-Copper (22-24 May) including Pressure Acid Leaching forum & panel
  • Uranium-Rare Earths (25 May) including Rare Earth Process Development forum & panel
  • Gold-PM (25 May) including Refractory & Complex Gold Ores forum & panel
  • In-Situ Recovery (ISR) (26 May) including Enhancing ISR Permeability forum & panel
  • Lithium & Battery Technology (26 May) including Developments in Battery Technology forum & panel

THREE short courses

  • Treatment of Nickel-Cobalt Laterites (20 May) Course outline
  • Copper SX/EW Basic Principles and Detailed Plant Design (21 May) Course outline
  • Heap Leaching & its Application to Copper, Gold, Uranium & Nickel Ores (27 May) Course outline




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